Manager Coaching and Mentoring Training


With a program solely specific to your sector coaching and mentoring skills of managers will be focused. 

Within the scope of program, managers will be provided with needed knowledge to coach or mentor their subordinates. Hereby, inhouse experience culture is effectively put into use and provided to pass on the new-hires. At the end of the program. 

Note: A poll conducted by International Personnel Management Association in 2012 revealed that trainings only inreases productivity by 22%, but if tranings are followed by mentoring and coaching approaches, this rate goes up to 88%. 


Our company-specific scope of service content details are below.  

  • Training is based on GESTALT and TRANSACTIONAL model. With this model, managers are aimed to gain systematical approach to have their subordinates reach the goals. Program; Dönüşümlü koçluk seans uygulamaları, bilgi transferi, envanter ve vaka çalışmaları ile envanter, analiz ve gelişim planlarının değerlendirileceği birebir seanslar şeklinde aktarılmaktadır. 
  • Environment for following practices will be provided: Awarness creation in participants by information transfer, tests and tools. Knowledge acquisition for practices and experiencing mentoring others. Worldwide researchs shows that carrying the program out in this way increases goal-reaching rate by 50%.
  • Managers in training and practise program will be divided into two different groups and will be provided with a chance to practise in rotation. Every group will have an expert with at least 15 years of experience in real sector as an consultant. They will have part in: Coach, coachee ve observer roles in rotation. A wholistic session with three different practises for all participants (consisting opening-development-closure) is planned. Experienced consultant will give instantaneous feedback and information transfer if needed. This aims to simulate real-life experiences. 
  • Our professional coachs will apply 75-minutes of sessions to participants for a further awareness afterwards. During these practises, managers are given information about creation of development plans, analysis and inventories to use in coaching. These practices will be carried out by one of our experts.